Standard Sample Rate is 48 kHz. Some audio interfaces & microphones are capable of much higher Sample Rates & can change OS settings when they are plugged into your computer without your knowledge. You can change the Sample Rate back to the standards, if needed, with these simple steps.
- Click on the Magnifying glass icon in the top right, next to the clock
- Type in “Audio Midi Setup”
- Click on the Audio Midi Setup app
- Select your audio interface or microphone in the list on the left
- Click on the Format dropdown to expand it
- Select 48 kHz
- Close the Audio Midi Setup app
- Return to SquadCast
- Refresh the page
- Open Control Panel
- Select Hardware and Sound
- Manage Audio Devices
- Playback (headphones) tab
- Select the device to be used
- Click Properties
- Select the Advanced tab
- Select 16 bit, 48kHz
- Click Apply
- Click OK
- Select Recording (microphone) tab
- Follow steps 5 - 10
- Return to SquadCast
- Refresh the page